Product Demo – Watch Qualetics Platform In Action!

Hello everyone, welcome to the Qualetics platform demo!

Today we will be going through a demo of what the Qualetics platform is all about. But before we jump into the demo it's only fair to let you know what Qualetics does. So we make proactive products and customer success your mantra. How we do that is by delivering Ai enabled real-time self-learning intelligence into your customer experience to improve customer engagement and grow your business. For this demo, we will be referring to two sites. First, we will be referring to the Qualetics platform and next, we will refer to the app from where the source data is being generated.

Now Qualetics platform can connect to any kind of web, mobile or software application and gather streaming data to provide continuous insights and intelligence to inform you on your customer activity, product usage, and any kind of issues or incidents that happen in your application and that too proactively. Here we have an example of an app called Diaramble which is a social blogging platform. We can see that there are different posts published here, visitors can actually go in and look at these posts and engage with these posts by performing different actions. Qualetics platform is integrated with this app through its SDK. Now any action a user performs here is triggering an action that gets logged into the Qualetics platform. Assuming we have an app that is integrated like that, what Qualetics enables you is a portal where you can log in and view these insights. Now, this is an example portal, where I will log in to a dedicated portal set up for you. As soon as we log in we are presented with a pre-designed overview page. So I'm just going to be logging in, as soon as I log in what's going to be happening is we are going to be presented with a pre-designed overview page so this page is actually a pre-designed overview page. Here we have the software quality overview page which is a dashboard that presents you with insights related to the overall stability of your software application. There are other types of overview pages also available namely; an activity overview and custom overview. Activity overview presents all activity-related insights about your users and clients on your platform. Whereas, a custom overview presents a dashboard where you can customize what type of insights you wish to view. Now let's go back to the top page, there are a few different components that I wish to emphasize here. So if you look at the top left-hand side corner, we have client instances and applications.

The Qualetics platform is a multi-tenant application. Wherein it has the ability to connect the Qualetics SDK to multiple apps for multiple client instances. Here you can see that there are multiple client instances and multiple applications. If you're a B2B business, more than one application or product you may have, which you sell to more than one customer. Now the Qualetics platform enables you to track the activity of multiple applications for multiple client instances. Here the Qualetics SDK is integrated with an app called Diaramble but, we've also integrated the API with another app called Qualetics docs. Which in fact is a documentation site, which we use to inform our customers. Here you see two separate client instances and can view insights for each individual client separately or can view all of the insights collectively. But here in this instance, what we are viewing are the insights into the overall platform for all of the applications in one central view. If you wish to view the activity for Diaramble you just select the client and you see the data filtered for that particular application. So this data is filtered for Diaramble only. If you wish to see the activity for the documentation site, you just simply select the documentation client and you would see all the data filtered to that particular application. 

Let's go back to the top view, now there are several insights that are part of the Qualetics platform. Overall the Qualetics platform enables you with more than 25 different insights related to your users, your application, your client engagement, and all associated metrics related to these attributes allowing you to get a 360-degree view of everything which pertains to your users and product usage.

The central theme of this page is what we call – is the quality index. Now, this is a single metric to inform you about the overall quality of your application, and the quality as experienced by your users. In this case, the overall quality of your application is on minus five to plus five scales. And this is because of five key factors. So once we click on this thumbnail, we are presented with the five key factors. The first is how many different types of errors your users are experiencing in your application? Next, how many overall users are impacted by your application? Then what is the frequency of errors occurring in your application? Then we have how many different contexts are being impacted in your application, now by context, what we mean are the features that are part of your application? Last but not least, the number of issues your users are experiencing in your application? Now all of these metrics are collected and calculated in order to derive a single metric, which is the quality index to give you a single measure of how stable your application is. This is tracked continuously on a daily basis in order to provide you with the most up-to-date measure of your quality index.

For instance, if we look at the blogging platform Diaramble. You will see that it has a lower overall quality because of a low-quality index. Whereas if you talk about the documentation site. Let's look at the documentation site. Now, this is the more stable application. Here we will find that it has a higher overall quality and hence a higher quality index. Now, this is what we should strive for. A higher-quality index for app creators or app providers. Let's go to the top view once again. Now another key aspect of the platform is what we call is – proactive error monitoring. And this is available under issues observed. You can see the list which shows the most recently occurring errors on the platform and this data is presented in reverse chronological order which means that the most recent error is displayed on the top. Now for each of these errors on the platform, you can look at the specific sequence of actions that led to the error. All you need to do is click and open user flow under issues observed. The first thing that you see is the actual error that the user experienced and you can also see that this can be back-tracked to view all of the actions that led to that error for that user leading right to the starting point right from where the user started engagement. Now in addition to this overview page, the platform also gives you the ability as a user to view all of the available insights which are part of the platform in my data space page. Now each insight that is presented to the user in my data space page actually gives you the ability to look at a detailed view and also go into an advanced view to perform more actions. For instance, if I want to look at active users, all I need to do is go to the view chart and this will give me a detailed view. So this is a detailed view with a pop-up that displays the sessions and users and I can also go into an advanced view. Now the advanced view enables you to apply additional filters like context, features, actions, and actors, and you can also expand the date ranges addition to it. It also gives you different options like embedding the chart into an external view, sharing the chart with a particular set of users, exporting it in various formats, and also subscribing for changing attributes or changing conditions wherein the system watches the data for you instead of you logging in into the system every day and looking at the insights every day. 

Now users can also have their own dashboards using the dashboards page. Wherein you have the ability to pick and choose the insights that you wish to add or remove. So all you need to do is go to the new dashboard and let's assume I want to add client impact, I can add this to a dashboard, active users I can add this to the dashboard, I want to remove these – the system gives me the ability to remove these as well. Now Qualetics also enables you to manage your users in different user groups, wherein you can add users in different user groups with different restrictions, for instance, your control of which user sees what in your platform. Now the ability to integrate the app is also very easy, wherein we give you a guided step-by-step process to set up the app that you want to connect with the customers you want to connect with. 

We also provide various SDKs that you can use to connect your app. So these are the various different SDKs, that we have right now. you can also verify whether your data is connected properly through the data connection screen and check the status. So all you can do is verify connection status, once you are satisfied that your customers and apps are connected properly you can go live with your connection. Or at any point, if you wish to pause the data streaming, all you need to do is switch the go-live status to false. Which will immediately pause the activity, and data being streamed into the application. 

What we have here is a completely self-served system, wherein you can also manage your billing plan on the portal itself by clicking on manage your plans. So you can actually go ahead and manage your plan and the billing by clicking on managing your plan. If you need any additional help, you can click on our documentation site. Which will guide on different types of integration mechanisms and SDKs. For instance, if you want to integrate with javascript or angular, we have all these integration mechanisms and SDKs available. For your help, in addition, this documentation site also contains descriptions of what each insight provides on our platform by clicking the links available. If I want to look at client impact, for instance, I'll get a detailed view of what this is all about. Now, this is a very high overview of our Qualetics platform. We encourage you to come to subscribe to this platform and sign up on our platform so for further steps what you can do is you can reach out to us at 

Thank you.