Driving Success of Your Email Marketing Campaigns with AI & Data Science

AI and Machine Learning can take your email marketing campaigns to the next level by providing you actionable insights on your customers, your email message, the email subject lines.

AI development

According to Statista, there are more than 3.8 billion email users and the number is projected to reach 4.3 billion by the year 2022. With 5.59 billion active email accounts worldwide, email marketing and email automation platforms will continue to be an effective tool for a digital marketer.

Every digital marketing activity is generating data. A simple email campaign to a thousand recipients generates data on email open rates, CTR, clicks, and conversions. However, these are just top-of-the-surface data. Today data science technologies like AI and Machine Learning allow granular processing of the data to extract deeper insights into a campaign. It can tell you the effectiveness of your CTA, assess the tone of your copy and the impact of subject lines.

How Data Science and AI help automate Email Marketing?

There is a vast difference in B2B and B2C email marketing strategies. While B2B emails focus on convincing logical buying decisions, B2C emails focus on emotional ones. Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine learning are changing the way email marketing is used for, both B2B and B2C, businesses.

Big Data and Analytics

The term big data is quite familiar with the marketers as they understand that it plays a critical role in unlocking the full potential of personalized email marketing. Personalized emails that leverage the right datasets help improve/increase the click-through rates, conversions, and transaction rates.

Personalization – Data Science helps marketers in accessing useful and relevant groups of data collated through a variety of channels like website analytics, e-commerce platforms, etc. The marketers can then use this information to understand the buyers’ behavior and send personalized emails. Personalized messages and subject lines genuinely yield better returns. These emails deliver 6 times higher transaction rates than the non-personalized ones and provide an average open rate of 18%.

Segmentation – Email list segmentation leads to lower unsubscription rates. Segmentation can be done based on demographics, geographic locations, preferences, and transactional data. Harnessing this data will enable the marketers to send targeted emails.

Product recommendations – Product recommendation is one of the most essential ways to engage and retain customers. Big Data Analytics incorporates variables like age, gender, purchase history, browsing history, etc of the buyers and, with the help of AI, can predict the future purchase preferences of buyers.

Machine Learning

Machine learning techniques understand marketing budgets, actions, and associated sales thoroughly. It can be applied for segmentation, marketing timing, and even for copywriting – as personalization and relevance become more critical for email marketing.

Predictions – Machine Learning can swiftly generate different combinations of content. It can also predict which content will bring the best results in terms of conversions and revenues. This saves time from the, otherwise time-consuming, A/B testing and helps marketers in mixing-up more combinations of personalized and targeted messaging.

Email timing – The machine learning algorithms help optimize the timings and frequency of email releases based on customers’ history. It can even determine time zones, downtimes, personal patterns, and habits of the email recipients. This can, in turn, help marketers in creating customer segments and send personalized emails.

Personalization – Machine Learning empowers with drafting better subject lines that enhance the email metrics and overall campaign performance. Along with subject lines, machine learning algorithms are capable of generating personalized email content and calls-to-action. They provide users with the language that matches the company’s brand personality and numerous phrases that appeal to the subscribers.

Identifying new segments – Machine learning algorithms intelligently create customer groups, not just based on age, demographics, or purchase history, but on specific behavioral patterns. These patterns can be potentially turned into new segments with new tailor-made campaigns.


Machine learning techniques are capable to map complex relationships on larger datasets but their implementation is usually a hurdle for marketers as they lack the technical skills and background. Hiring a team of technically sound data scientists is often expensive and inefficient as they cannot understand the marketing perspectives in providing meaningful and actionable insights.

Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) provides simple, automated, and reliable tools to the marketers or data scientists to build their data-driven solutions. AutoML enables marketers with-

Dynamic content – where different email contents can be provided to different segments of a particular campaign.

Easy integration – makes it easy to integrate the email platform to other sources of subscriber information and build profiles that help deliver highly personalized emails.

Personalization extended – personalization of emails that is extended/continued to the next destination, like the landing pages with tailored content based on the email.

There are many ML-driven products available that enable marketers to design email marketing campaigns from the actionable insights generated and increase their consumer retention and conversion rates. Every step (right from data exploration, modeling, validation, deployment to performance evaluation and improvisations) in the process of extracting information from the data is automated which presents a high-level overview of the data’s structure to the user.

A couple of decades ago, email marketing was considered as a human endeavor perfected with many trials and errors. This was a time-consuming process. The advancements in technology and the digital age led to the automation and streamlining of the email marketing process. Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are the frontrunners in transforming the email marketing landscape.

Do you want to get a 360-degree view of your customer? Do you want to run highly targeted campaigns that result in high conversions? Qualetics can help you achieve that and more. It can power your existing email platform with AI and other data technologies to deliver more success to your campaigns.