Best Google Analytics Alternative- Qualetics Software Quality Analytics

Google Analytics is the industry standard for tracking website traffic, showing information about user and web traffic including details about demographics and content where possible. However, there are some limitations to the level of detail that can be captured by Google Analytics. Such limitations are related to capturing analytics about real-time activity, audience engagement, content engagement, click tracking, and custom event tracking. That’s why many companies use third-party tools to add real-time data, audience engagement, and more to their analytics dashboards. In this post, we’ll talk about why you need to think beyond GA and how Qualetics Software Quality Analytics is the best alternative to Google Analytics.

Analytics software tools are used by almost every company in the digital world, whether it’s an online retail store or an online newspaper. For nearly every website and app, Google Analytics is the industry standard for tracking traffic and user behavior. But as powerful as Google Analytics is, it can’t do everything. Let’s see what the primary offerings of Google Analytics are –

What Google Analytics offers?

  • Data visualization – You can see your data in tables, charts, or maps. You can also create your own custom dashboards.
  • Segment your data – By using segments, you can view specific groups of people that have visited your sites, such as visitors from a certain location or those who have visited specific pages. This is particularly useful if you want to see if a page is working or not. You can then target specific geographical locations or demographic groups in order to boost sales.
  • Website Speed – Analytics can help you monitor the speed of your website. You can see which pages are taking the longest to load and how quickly users are leaving your site once they have arrived. This will enable you to make improvements to the functionality and design of your site, ensuring that it is as fast as possible. 
  • Top Content – This really useful feature allows you to see what content on your website has been most popular with your visitors. You can then decide which content has been most successful so far and use it to inform future marketing campaigns that you run for your business. 
  • Acquisition & Behavior – The Acquisition and Behavior sections of Google Analytics will allow you to measure the specific sources that drive traffic to your website, including the search terms people use, the browsers they use, and the websites that refer visitors to your website.
  • Social Media Tracking – Google Analytics allows you to track social media sharing of your content and even lets you know which links are being shared the most.
  • Campaign Tracking – The campaign tracking feature of GA lets you know where your traffic is coming from and how much revenue that traffic generates.

What Google Analytics doesn’t offer?

The following are a few things that Google Analytics cannot track or account for:

  • Customer Intent – GA is not very good at answering questions about customer intent: Why did someone visit your site in the first place? Did they find what they were looking for? How likely are they to purchase something? This information is important not only for measuring the effectiveness of your marketing efforts but also for improving your marketing and sales strategies. If you want to continue to grow your business and make more money, it’s crucial that you understand what motivates customers to buy.
  • Reasons – Google Analytics offers a lot of descriptive data — information about what is currently happening in your store — but it doesn’t provide much predictive, prescriptive, or diagnostics analysis – information that helps you understand why things are happening and what to do.
  • Integration – If you want to integrate two or more data sources into one dashboard, it will take a lot of time and effort. Integrating multiple third-party data sources is also tricky because they typically don’t adhere to a standard like GA. 
  • Real-time Insights – GA is not a very good tool for giving you real-time statistics about how users are interacting with your website. This is especially important for eCommerce businesses because you want to understand what users are doing when they are on your website. What pages are they looking at? What products are they viewing? How much money are they spending? Are users abandoning their shopping carts without purchasing anything?
  • Advanced Customization – Google Analytics does a good job with standard reports like real-time, acquisition, behavior cohorts, and so on. But that’s where it stops. If you are looking for advanced customization of your Google Analytics reports in order to answer more specific questions about your business, or if you want to dig deeper into your data, GA doesn’t cut it.
  • Control on your data – If you want to gather deep insight into your marketing campaigns, there are two things that are missing from Google Analytics. The first is the lack of control you have over your data; this then leads to the second which is the time it takes for you to build reports.
  • Data Ownership – Probably, the most important aspect of all considering the current emphasis of data security, the data gathered by Google Analytics is not owned by the owner of the site or the app, but it is owned by Google. Combined with the lack of control over your data and the ownership restriction, any data gathered by Google is only accessible to you through the Google Analytics portal and only during the time in which your application is integrated with Google Analytics. Access to data is lost once the connection is terminated.

Google Analytics is also limited when it comes to tracking the effectiveness of specific landing pages. It provides some information about each page, but it’s not nearly as detailed as other tools. For example, Google Analytics does not provide information about which landing pages people scroll all the way to the bottom

This is because Google Analytics’ main function is to track things like page views and referrals so that you can determine what’s working on your website and what isn’t. It’s not a platform that provides user data or customer data; it’s a tool that helps you understand how people are using your website.

Qualetics – Best Alternative To Google Analytics

There’s a lot more to your business than the data you can see in Google Analytics, and Google Analytics doesn’t show you all of it.

Trying to tune your business, make decisions, evaluate opportunities, and determine how to grow your company with just Google Analytics is like trying to drive a car while looking only through the rearview mirror. You’re just not going to have enough information to make the best decisions.

What you need is a dashboard that gives you an overview of your entire digital marketing funnel. That way you’ll have the context and insights you need to make smart decisions that drive results for your business.

That’s where Qualetics comes in. We give you the full picture with powerful analytics that give you a detailed insight into every aspect of your marketing and sales funnel. It provides different types of analytics including:

Software Quality Analytics

  • Analyze product quality for your Web, Mobile applications, and Rest APIs
  • Identify quality issues across different software versions
  • Monitor customers and users impacted by quality issues
  • Identify critical defects with the help of machine learning
  • Identify quality and latency anomalies in real-time to improve your user experience
  • Analyze product quality issues by device, operating system, and browser

Performance Analytics

  • Analyze your software, mobile app, and website performance in real-time
  • Identify which customers and users are impacted by performance issues 
  • Monitor performance anomalies for individual users and clients

Product Analytics

  • Analyze product feature usage by all your users and customers
  • Understand UX flow and user engagement to streamline your user experience
  • Improve feature engagement by identifying product features most used by your users

API Analytics

  • Understand API usage frequency and quantity
  • Identify API errors and get alerted in real-time

Business Analytics

  • Custom insights to support your business
  • Sales
  • Demographics
  • Employee Engagement

AI-Based Insights

Self-learning algorithms to power insights such as

  • Product Recommendations
  • Sentiment Analytics
  • Natural Language Based Search Support
  • Anomaly Identification
  • Image analysis
  • Text Analysis

Embedded AI Features

  • Rest API enabled AI models available as a service to implement smarter functionality for your business such as
  • AI-powered contextual search
  • Transaction issues identified in real-time using an anomaly detection model
  • Escalate customer complaints based on the sentiment derived by an NLP based model
  • Product recommendations to users based on their activity

Customer analytics software

Qualetics is a comprehensive analytics platform that provides real-time solutions to help business leaders, marketers, QA testers and software developers make smarter decisions. It enables you to monitor and track your website performance, bugs, errors, crashes, customer feedback, user behavior, and business performance over time to make informed decisions for increasing revenues and profits. To know more about Qualetics Software Quality Analytics or book a demo click here.