Sentiment Analysis of Amazon's Product Reviews
Use case in Retail Data Intelligence
Amazon’s newest set of electronic devices was a trending topic in recent times. This use case leverages Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Data Visualization, to build algorithms that perform sentiment analysis on online product reviews and help us understand the consumer sentiments on electronic products available on Amazon. The model can be helpful for any eCommerce business to ascertain the consumer sentiment towards its products and brands.
Often, online reviews are large in numbers and are unstructured. Understanding the true intent of the consumers from their reviews can be a difficult task as there arise many barriers such as language ambiguity, sarcasm, irony, and the emojis (emotion icons). It becomes critical for a business to build a system capable of processing large data and extract actionable data intelligence. Qualetics enables an easy and seamless integration of our solution into your applications or analytics solutions. It also provides the flexibility for immediate adaptations to be applied in order to meet the dynamically changing customer needs.
To know how Qualetics gives an effective solution, download the full usecase.
About Qualetics Data Machines
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence are growing to be a ubiquitous need in the modern enterprise ecosystem. The need for Analytics is ranging from basic Descriptive and Diagnostic Analytics to advanced Predictive, Prescriptive, and Cognitive Analytics. However, the barrier of entry is high due to expensive infrastructure and highly skilled resource requirements.
Qualetics Data Machines Inc. AIMS to eliminate this barrier by introducing a product that makes it easy for businesses to embrace AI and gain data intelligence.